Affiliations & Credentials

Better Business Bureau (BBB)
BBB maintains Business Reviews on more than 4.5 million businesses and rates them based on complaint histories, responsiveness to customers, licensing, legal and government action, and other factors. Only Accredited Businesses that meet the BBB Code of Business Practices are permitted to display the BBB logo in their marketing and place of business.

National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
The National Association of Home Builders is a trade association that helps promote policies that make housing a national priority. Since 1942, NAHB has been serving its members, the housing industry, and the public at large.

National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA)
Established in 1963, the NKBA is the world's leading trade association for the kitchen and bath industry. NKBA's mission is to enhance member success and excellence, promote professionalism and ethical business practices, and provide leadership and direction for the kitchen and bath industry worldwide.